How it works

RecoBiotic promotes recovery after intense training

It contains a strain specialized in metabolizing lactic acid into propionate, a performance-enhancing molecule.

With increasing exercise intensities, the muscles produce lactic acid.

Accumulation of lactic acid in muscles causes fatigue.

RecoBiotic metabolizes lactic acid into propionate.

Propionate has performance-enhancing properties.

How to take it

RecoBiotic active ingredient is a natural and safe strain with proven capacity to reduce intestinal lactic acid concentration.

Pre-Competition: Gut Conditioning

A single dose should be taken daily and for a minimum of 15 days to allow RecoBiotic to establish in the gut microbiome.

During Competition For Fast Recovery

Take up to 6 doses per day on multi-day competitions that require fast recovery or during training days of maximum effort.


Enhancing Performance with Propionate, a Bacterial Metabolite

RecoBiotic active ingredient is a natural bacterial strain characterized by a high consumption of lactic acid and a high production of propionate in gastrointestinal conditions. 

Propionate is a metabolite with performance-enhancing properties as it maximized treadmill run times in mice. 

Other health benefits of propionate include:

Fuel Metabolism During Exercise

Muscle Metabolism

Lactic acid is produced when the demand for oxygen and energy exceeds the available supply, such as in strenuous exercise. Thus, by increasing exercise intensities, the muscles and various tissues produce more lactic acid and release it into the plasma.

Circulating Lactic Acid

Blood lactic acid concentrations increase during progressive exercise. While the muscles, the heart, the liver, and the kidney cortex can remove lactic acid from the circulation, increased production leads to a rise in blood levels which can lead to acidosis. Low muscle pH, which causes fatigue at high exercise intensities is a consequence of the accumulation of lactic acid.

Scheiman J, et al. Meta-omics analysis of elite athletes identifies a performance-enhancing microbe that functions via lactate metabolism. Nat Med. 2019  25:1104-1109.
Hosseini E. et al, 2011. Propionate as a health-promoting microbial metabolite in the human gut. Nutr Rev 69: 245–58. 

Recover fast. Boost your performance

Discover RecoBiotic

Experience the next level of athletic performance with RecoBiotic. Our cutting-edge supplement is designed to help you recover faster and enhance your overall performance. By harnessing the power of propionibacteria and its unique ability to metabolize lactic acid into propionate, RecoBiotic supports your body’s natural processes, allowing you to push beyond limits and achieve peak performance. 

Developed by SURI BioTech, a swiss biotechnology company, RecoBiotic is the key to unlock your full potential.

Advanced Formula

We use premium ingredients to deliver safe nutritional benefits.

Functional Food

RecoBiotic is a food ingredient and can be included in food supplements.

Natural Ingredients

RecoBiotic is vegan, natural and allergens-free.

Digestive Support

RecoBiotic prevents intestinal gas formation.

Long shelf-life

We guarantee 24 months stability at room temperature.

Scientific Validation

RecoBiotic’s activity has been validated in in vitro models mimicking the intestinal microbiome.

Whant to be a distributor?

SURI BioTech is a pioneering biotechnology company specializing in microbiome solutions for health and well-being. With a focus on innovation and efficacy, we develop proprietary bacterial strains with proven mechanisms of action.

Our strains are sold in bulk or as finished products. We offer regulatory support and marketing guidelines. 

Clear Regulatory status as food ingredient

Proven scalability

Long shelf-life


Blood lactic acid concentrations increase during progressive exercise. Circulating lactic acid crosses the epithelial barrier into the intestinal lumen, becoming available so RecoBiotic transforms it into propionate.  

RecoBiotic is a product developed by SURI BioTech.  At SURI BioTech we validate the activity of our products through studies in in vitro models mimicking the intestinal microbiome.

RecoBiotic is vegan and natural. We use premium and allergen-free ingredients, to deliver safe nutritional benefits.

The strain in RecoBiotic is considered safe for human consumption as it is a traditional ingredient in Swiss cheese. Our strains are natural and belong to groups with Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) for human consumption in the European Union.

Although there are no expected adverse effects, start taking RecoBiotic during periods of no competition to check how you feel. 

The information and advice obtained on our Websites are for informational purposes only. It is up to the User to consult a specialized doctor or a nutritionist before starting any diet, training or supplementation program.

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